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Padanaram Guitar Works

Padanaram Massachusetts was the home of the Concordia Boat Company, one of the finest wooden boat builders in the world. Their pride and joy was the Concordia Yawl, a 39 foot classic beauty that I was lucky enough to sail in my youth. I visited Concordia frequently to watch them build, and I’ll never forget the sweet smells of the freshly milled cedar they used to plank the hulls. To me as a boy, this was the epitome of craftsmanship.

So Padanaram seemed a fitting name for my own guitar building enterprise. And a picture of a Concordia Yawl became part of my headstock logo to celebrate the brotherhood of fine wood craftsmen.

Today I build a range of classic acoustic guitar designs, customizing each to the customers’ specifications. I build primarily with East Indian Rosewood and Mahogany, and source all of my tonewood from renewable sources. I prefer to use Alaskan Sitka Spruce tops, but can secure Adirondack and Engleman on request. Models include D, DS, OOO, OO, O and OM. The DS, OOO, OO and O models are all 12 fret slot head models, available in 25.4 or 24.9 scale. The D and OM are 14 fret models.Img 1888 (1) Img 1881 (1) Img 0896 Img 1911 Img 1905

Call or email if you are interested in having me build an heirloom instrument for you (and your kids, and their kids…)